Primitive Functional Movement® Instructor Course Level 2

Primitive Functional Movement® Instructor Course Level 2

In physical training, before arriving at the use of external tools, be they isotonic machines or barbells, kettlebells, clubs, bars, rings, or the like, there is an obligatory step to identify “the how”, the fundamental means that allows the reaching of the predefined result: the full and informed use of one’s own body!
Only in this way is it possible to avoid creating the imbalances typical of a body structure that is not fully under control: a typical situation of those who are too constrained by external equipment without first having mastered the basics of the movement of their own body.

The idea of ​​Primitive Functional Movement® stems precisely from the awareness of how the movement of the body is the best "tool" for creating a solid basis on which to construct all the trainable physical qualities, from the Strength to the Endurance, from the Speed to the Power, and this movement must be studied, practiced, and assimilated before developing proprioceptive capacity, of management and control of one’s own free body in the more complete trajectories of Joint Mobility in the three-dimensionality of the space.

Joint mobility, joint stabilisation, neuromuscular coordination, activation and control of the Core, management of the muscle chains, multiplanarity of the motor patterns, and the interaction of the energy systems and of the physical qualities, are all the cardinal principles of intelligent movement: those that Primitive Functional Movement® makes its own, applies, and transfers in the sequences of the exercises of its system!

The Anatomy, the Biomechanics, and the Physiology of the human body are “the how”, the means to be used and around which to set up the training program, and an aid in the comprehension of this fundamental concept is given to us from three specific categories: sports disciplines; children; and animals.
If, in fact, we pause to observe any sporting gesture, or the movement of children, or of animals, we see how the predominance of instinct brings a fluidity and effectiveness of the movement itself that is extremely functional to the final result!

But what differentiates Primitive Functional Movement® from any other system of free body training?
When practicing exercises from standing, it is very easy to lose the full control of your body in space, leading to compensating adjustments, on which motor patterns are then constructed which are at best limited or, in the worst cases, downright wrong. Primitive Functional Movement® instead, forces us not to create compensation, in fact, it is born, flows, and evolves using the continuous contact with the ground as a surface of developing extreme mobility, proprioception, stabilisation, coordination, and fluidity of movements in the multiplanarity and with the constant control of the Core.
These are all characteristics that should be at the foundation of every athlete or practitioner in general, regardless of the sporting discipline practiced by them and from their degree of physical conditioning or from their specific objective.

Primitive Functional Movement® is extremely versatile:

  • it is adaptable to everyone, from the elderly and the children, to the elite athletes of any Sport;
  • is suitable for reaching any objective, from rehabilitation to athletic conditioning, from postural recovery to aesthetic-functional goals; 
  • it can be practised anywhere: in the gym, at home, outdoors. 
Primitive Functional Movement® is the real means to give a definitive development to its own physical training, but to be able to benefit from it, you need to know its scientific and technical characteristics in a professional way, as only a certified Trainer can do.

The 2nd level program allows the Trainer certified to the 1st level as Instructors of Primitive Functional Movement®, to increase their technical skills in the applications of this extraordinary training system, providing new sequences of increasingly more complete and engaging exercises!

Index of topics of the Course Program:

• Review of the program of the 1st level Primitive Functional Movement® Instructor course;

The advanced sequences of Primitive Functional Movement®:
- Dynamic sequences of Joint Mobility;
- Dynamic sequences of Loading;
- Mixed dynamic sequences;
- Specific sequences for rehabilitation and posture;
- Specific sequences for athletic conditioning;
- Specific sequences for aesthetic objectives.

• The Evaluation and Programming of Primitive Functional Movement® with the implementation of advanced training protocols specific for athletic conditioning and functional training of groups.

Times of the lessons of the On-Site course: 

from 09:00 to 18:00 (with a one hour break from 13:00 to 14:00) for all the days of the course, for a total of 16 hours.

To be certified Instructors of Primitive Functional Movement® Level 1

On-Site Course: those who purchase the On-Site course are entitled to a 60% discount on the purchase of the same course, Online. Once you have the purchased the course, you are entitled to repeat the course as often as you want (if you feel you still have doubts about the program, or if you simply want to continue perfecting the technique of the exercises.

Online Course: those who purchase the Online course are entitled to a 50% discount on the purchase of the same course On-Site.

On-Site Course: once you have purchased the course, you can access your own Reserved Area in which you will have the complete course manual viewable in pdf format, the evaluation cards and the training sheets downloadable in pdf, and the video lessons of 20 base exercises of the program. 

Online Course: once you have purchased the course you can access your own Reserved Area in which you will have the complete course manual viewable in pdf format, the evaluation cards and the training sheets downloadable in pdf, and the video lessons of all of the exercises of the program (more than 50).
Your Reserved Area is equipped with a high information security format. The only technology you will need in order to consult the teaching material in the Reserved Area is Adobe Reader (for the pdf files). The teaching materials are compatible with: Microsoft Windows, Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Android.

After having purchased the course (immediately if paying by credit card or PayPal; after receipt of the confirmation of payment if making the payment by bank transfer), you will receive an email (to the email address you indicate when purchasing the course), with details of how to access your Reserved Area where you will find the course you have purchased.

From that point, you have unlimited access to your Reserved Area. 
You can access it as and when you want and at any time you want to study, then present the exam when you're ready, without deadlines or expiration dates.

In WTA Courses, the exams are a fundamental part of the training process, as they allow both the WTA and the student to verify that they have correctly learnt both the theoretical concepts and the practical technical applications of the work program of the course.

In this way, 4 positive results are obtained
1) WTA is sure to put only really prepared Trainers in the field;
2) the new Instructor feels confident that they have mastered the program of study and the executive technique of the exercises, therefore they feel ready to work with clients;
3) the clients who turn to a WTA Trainer are guaranteed to find professionals who are extremely competent and able to help them to reach their objectives; 
4) the owners of gyms who employ a WTA Trainer are guaranteed to have professionals who are able to follow their customers in the best way, and to increase the volume of business of their gym.

The exams consist of:
 - theoretical part: in which, through the writing of a thesis on a real case study selected by the student (focussed on a subject who must be one of their clients or themselves), the student demonstrates that they have acquired all of the theoretical principles that lead to the realisation of an effective training program for each specific client (following what has been explained in the course).
 - practical part: in which, through the creation of a video, the student demonstrates that they have mastered the correct executive technique of the base exercises of the course program.
The exam is evaluated by a Tutor who is assigned to the aspiring Trainer at the time they present the exam. The Tutor will assist the student to pass the exam, providing any necessary corrections, both of the theoretical and the practical parts.
The common objective of the WTA and of the aspiring Trainer is to bring the training process initiated at the time of enrolling in the course to completion, so as to have a new WTA Trainer who is fully prepared to work in teaching the training Method learnt, in the most effective and efficient way possible!

On passing the exams, the new Trainer will be awarded the coveted certification of Instructor of Primitive Functional Movement® Level 2 that is valid for:

  •  inclusion in the prestigious Official Register of WTA Instructors and in the Professional Databank (free of charge).

The Primitive Functional Movement® Level 2 Instructor certification entitles students to training credits towards the following Educational Pathways: 

  • Educational Pathways for WTA Specialisation Qualifications: Bodyweight Training Specialist.

On attainment of the Diploma, the Trainer, in addition to receiving the Diploma, is incorporated in the prestigious Official Register of WTA Instructors, within their own region.
This Register, in addition to being the only official document accessible to the public which testifies the real competence of the Trainer, is a true and proper Professional Database which is open both to clients who are looking for a competent Trainer in which to trust, and to the owners of gyms who are looking for Professionals to include in their Instructor Staff.
In fact, the high level of professionalism of the WTA Training, universally recognised since 2009 in all physical fields (from athletic conditioning, to medical gymnastics applications, to purely aesthetic fitness), allows the WTA Trainer to be inserted in any sporting environment in which the functionality of the Movement of the human body is indispensable for the health and efficiency of the person, be they an athlete of a specific sports discipline or a person who wants to recover or improve their state of health and physical form.
To date, the WTA Method, through the great work of over 20,000 Trainers trained since 2009, has been applied with great success in all professional sports, in medical and physiotherapy centres, and in thousands of private and commercial gyms.

In particular, the fields of application in which the WTA Trainer is most in demand are those relating to:

  • Conditioning of Joint Mobility, prevention of injuries, and post-traumatic recovery;
  • Conditioning of Functional Strength in Sports; 
  • High Intensity Functional Training; 
  • Increasing biomechanical and neuro-motor skills both for general and specific sports;
  • Aesthetic training associated with the improvement of the Posture; 
  • Group training for any type of level and target.
26 - 27
Primitive Functional Movement® Level 2 Instructor Course
Fasano (Brindisi)
ASD Handstand - WTA Official Center
25 - 26
Primitive Functional Movement® Level 2 Instructor Course
Sasso di Castalda (Potenza)
Wild Ride School - WTA Official Center
via Giardino

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