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I was looking for something concrete, for something that was free from subjective interpretations and points of view, something that would put my doubts to rest, something that would interpret and transform the functional logic of the human body in an objective way in the field. I have found all of this with the WTA! It is a Method that has the potential to meet all these needs, and which has finally helped me to definitively distinguish the subtle border running between physiotherapy/rehabilitation and postural well-being and physical training.
Stefano Levagnini - 46 years old / Fisioterapista & Personal Trainer - Modena (Italy)
Seriousness and professionalism distinguish the WTA from all the others... I am proud and honoured to be part of this great family, united, determined, and humble to the right level to progress and give everyone the opportunity to understand the benefits of this extraordinary training system!
Marco Renna - 39 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Forlì (Italy)
The best academy that can be found in the sector... professionalism and competence are the basis of a training path. In the WTA, nothing is left to chance... Grand Master Emilio and the WTA are a great family of professionals... WE DON’T USE MACHINES... WE BUILD THEM!!!
Andrea Molon - 44 years old / Functional Trainer & Combat Sports Coach - Ivrea (Italy)
The WTA Functional Training® Instructor Course was beautiful. You really notice the great passion and devotion to what they want to transmit. It was rich in concepts but nothing is presented without a precise reason! For sure, once you have done the course you won’t stray from this world because it is transmitted why you’d be wrong in doing so!
Carolina Piccinini - 26 years old / Istruttrice Fitness - Sestri Levante (Savona/Italy)
I got to know about the WTA through a colleague, and began with Functional Training. Now I have just done the Instructor course of Primitive Functional Movement®. Every time I have always found a professionalism and a seriousness in every instructor, with theoretical and practical lessons that leave nothing to chance. Everything is explained and studied in the minutest detail and the enthusiasm in doing so never flags. An excellent experience… I won’t stop here! I recommend it to all the experts in the field.
Matteo Rossi - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Modena (Italy)
Competence, seriousness, and professionalism. This is what distinguishes the WTA! A training that meets the science of the biomechanics of the human body, and exercises consequently based on how they must really be done and not on “hearsay”. Once you start training with the WTA you won’t be able to do without it anymore, and you’ll want to do as many courses as possible to always improve yourself more!
Juri Orsi - 36 years old / Army Functional Trainer - Treviso (Italy)
Having completed my first Functional Training course with the WTA in Rome, I must say I have no doubts about the method and the professionalism that sets it apart... I am proud to have become a part of this family. 
WTA in the heart!
Mara Pastore - 35 years old / Functional Training Athlete - Andria (Italy)
Hi everyone! I came across this Online Course (Woman Functional Training® Instructor) by chance but being impressed by the completeness of the information provided I decided, after various Internet searches that confirmed the validity of the Method, to buy it to increase my skills as an instructor. I already work with many women, but after having finished the course online, I have realised I was wrong to perform numerous exercises, and thanks to the very well-done instruction manual, I have finally understood why a certain kind of approach with my clients did not work. I’m really very satisfied, and now that I know the WTA School I will also recommend it to my colleagues!
Adeline Renaud - 26 years old / Fitness Trainer - Melbourne (Australia)
I have known the WTA since 2014 and my first course of Functional Training held by Master Trainer Emilio Troiano and Senior Coach Evgenia Babrovskaia. Right from the beginning, I appreciated the richness of the theoretical and practical content. The thing that I remember having impressed me a lot was the meticulousness with which the exercises were taught. It was precisely that attention to detail that was transmitted that has made my work decisively more qualitative. I also met other coaches, in particular Senior Coach Stefano Levagnini and Coach Luca Ronchi, professionals, prepared, and willing, from whom you can always learn, improve, and grow. I would recommend the WTA Academy to all those who want to approach functional training that is studied, not improvised, and respects the principles of biomechanics of the movement of the human body.
Federica Natale - 27 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Milan (Italy)
My life crossed with the WTA School in March 2014 with my first training course of Functional Training Instructor. From that moment on, everything around me changed. My way of living, of training, of seeking wellness was not always been the same. Thanks to the philosophy of life... as well as the teaching... that only an Academy unique in its field can transmit... it has pushed me to share my knowledge with the next person... but to do it better you must not never stop studying and updating. And only the WTA is able to do this with courses that are always new... more complete... always more stringent and selective. To know how to transmit wellness, one must study. Nothing is left to chance. Seriousness is at the base of everything. And that’s why my opinion of my school is always increasing. WTA impossible to clone!
Alessia Del Mastro - 43 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Ancona (Italy)
You only realise how innovative a system is when you marry it in totality. You can only understand how many mistakes you’ve made in the past when you gain an awareness of the Method. The WTA has a concept that goes beyond the mere academy. It is a family in which we compare ourselves for our collective improvement. The guidance of Master Troiano represents a certainty that manifests itself not only on the level purely of the practical but also the theoretical: everything has a meaning and a function. Every gesture is aimed at achieving a result. His collaborators (Senior Coach) have been moulded in his image and likeness to such an extent that it is impossible to perceive the execution or the theoretical explanation of an exercise where he is not present. The WTA Method has revolutionised the concept of free body training and, consequently, my life.
Miguel Severitano - 37 years old / Personal Trainer - Avellino (Italy)
I am a Fitness enthusiast and I have followed Evgenia with her System of Female Functional Training for a few years at a distance. She had always been kindly inviting me to Italy to attend the training course, to learn everything that could be useful for my personal training, but for reasons of studying and working abroad I had never managed to match my holidays with the scheduled dates of the courses. When the course came out online I didn’t wait for a moment to buy it, as I knew Evgenia personally in Denmark a few years ago, and I was very satisfied with the results she gave me in a short time. The distance course has confirmed my expectations, it is a professional work that has resolved all my doubts about my workouts and nutrition and has helped me to improve in the practical execution of the exercises. Woman Functional Training: a name, a guarantee!
Karen Jacobsen - 29 years old / Fitness enthusiast - Aalborg (Denmark)
After years of boring training, without programming and therefore destined to failure, all of a sudden, the WTA light... this discipline has entered my blood, continuously giving me satisfaction and enthusiasm, clear ideas and avant-garde concepts. If you asked me, “what would you have wanted to do in life?” I would not want to have done anything else than this... training and teaching with the WTA Method. WTA impossible to clone!!!!!
Andrea Drisaldi - 48 years old / Personal Trainer - Aprilia (Italy)
Do you want to grow, improve, and form yourself first as a person first and then as an Instructor? Follow the WTA Method. By attending the various courses and following the principles on which they are based, you no longer have any limits. I managed to execute the Pistol Squat, despite the fact that I have a torn cruciate ligament and meniscus to be operated on!!! Incredible??? No. Before the WTA, I simply did not have the right technique for executing the exercises. The WTA really is an amazing school!
Giuseppe Castrignanò - 35 years old / Football Trainer & Gym Owner - Fano (Italy)
If already from the first moment that I approached the WTA method thanks to my Trainer Andrea Giglio I was passionate about this world, with the courses I have participated in since, I have understood even more the spirit and the quality that every teacher must have increased my desire to improve myself. The special characteristic of the Academy is that of having competent and professional Trainers who are able to transmit the passion for the health of the individual and ensure the achievement of important objectives in a functional way! Congratulations to the Trainers, the Coaches, and Master Emilio Troiano who created the WTA Method.
Stefania Valenza - 23 years old / Functional Training Instructor - Avellino (Italy)
What is promoted, taught, and applied by the WTA Functional Training Academy is an effective, scientific, highly technical, and specialised method of functional training. Nothing is left to chance! Being part of this great Family is synonymous with the personal achievement of great goals, of potentials rediscovered, of growth. As an instructor, I am proud to be a WTA Trainer, for all that I have been able to learn from this Method, for the enthusiasm that I feel at every single training I undergo, for the limits that I thought I had and I have exceeded... for the fantastic results that I encounter every day on myself, and also on my students! The WTA creates dependency ... when you try it you realise the potential you have and that you can improve, pushing you to learn more and more, about who you are and what you can become!
Silvia Dal Bo - 41 years old / Personal Trainer - Treviso (Italy)
Functional training had become the key part of my training, so I needed to find something or someone that could help me make the difference and luckily, I discovered the WTA Functional Training Academy. Absolutely the best!
Ottavio Tramonte - 38 years old / Martial Arts & Functional Training Instructor - Rome (Italy)
Knowledge is the basis of the Human Being. Every movement of the body requires a complete awareness and security of action. This is why the WTA Functional Training Academy collects and expands studies, knowledge, and experience for us trainers regarding functional training in its fullness and globality. In fact, speaking about simple training would be too simplistic. It wouldn’t be right! It is right to speak of pure MOVEMENT, understanding the true meaning of this term! A method of work that is outside the box. A safe and scientific method. A method aimed at all ages. But really for all. The only way to truly understand what functional training is and what it means to move. Nothing left to chance, nothing explained with superficiality. This is the WTA, this is my experience, this is my thanks.
Paolo Pullara - 31 years old / Personal Trainer - Agrigento (Italy)
I came across the WTA Academy some years ago, and my vision of training changed forever... I understand what the fundamental qualities are that a body must have in order to be healthy and to be able to perform specific and professional sports to the best. I recommend being part of this Family, especially for the high quality of the courses and of their trainers... I have done many courses over the years... but when you finally find one that you have always been searching for… don’t let go!
Francesco Zonno - 37 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Bari (Italy)
I’m fresh from the WTA Functional Training® Instructor Course… a course that opens a huge number of insights and confronts us with our own limitations and aspects for improvement. The WTA Method is a guarantee of success, and the coaches are extremely prepared and passionate about their work. I am exhausted but enthusiastic!
Francesca Barzan - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Treviso (Italy)
Why choose the WTA? It is the Safety in the Method that distinguishes it!! And when you learn the Method, you understand why those who teach the WTA Method are so sure!! For me it has no equal!
Silvia Giora - 38 anni / Personal Trainer - Treviso (Italy)
I have decided to continue training in this Academy because I have finally found the answers to many questions. Thank you everyone!
Alessandro Bardini - 31 years old / Personal Trainer - Mantova (Italy)
I came into contact with the WTA in 2013, revolutionising my way of training, making my lifestyle always better, and obtaining great results both as a Trainer and as an athlete. Even today, from my point of view, it is the most important academy in the field of functional training and athletic preparation. All of the courses are always explained in a way that is highly technical and rich in details followed by in-depth theoretical parts and with a great seriousness by all the trainers of Academy. I thank the entire WTA for what it has given me. Thanks to this constantly growing training path, I have been able to improve myself and overcome my own barriers, transmitting the highest quality to my students in their training as well.
Enrico Dino - 30 years old / Personal Trainer - Asti (Italy)
The preparation you acquire with a WTA Training Course is not comparable to a course with anyone else. It opens the mind to a new way of training, it truly has something extra. What you need is the desire to sweat, study, and get involved. The passion and dedication of the always up to date Tutors give you the grit to do even better and challenge your own limits. Thank you, WTA, for giving us this opportunity for growth.
Lisa Minacciolo - 34 years old / Personal Trainer - Verona (Italy)
I discovered this to Academy thanks to my husband who took his first WTA diploma in 2014... a unique Method of teaching .... the utmost seriousness shown by Master Emilio Troiano and the WTA Team. The clients who are super-satisfied with the results obtained from the work that we do as a Trainer .... these are the rewards!!!! WTA is the top!!!!
Silvia Mosetti - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Aprilia (Italy)
You may arrive with many ideas, maybe even mixed up, but you leave the WTA courses with only certainties and the desire to do. It is not for those who spring but for those who want to push beyond!
Cristian Pilati - 25 years old / Personal Trainer - Bolzano (Italy)
I’m an instructor and a mum. I have tried various, more or less valid, methods of training, but from the moment I discovered the Woman Functional Training, I understood that I had found what I was looking for: a personalised training, specifically for women, that considers all the constitutional and hormonal factors that influence the characteristics of natural aesthetics, with specific training programs for preventing and improving certain problems and finding the psycho-physical well-being that we all need!
Kimberly Jones - 32 years old / Fitness Trainer - Birmingam (England)
What can I say, if you are not content to be one of the many, I believe you cannot but attend this ACADEMY of Functional Training!!! This is because for a long time I have followed professionals of top-level sport, from Serie A footballers, to tennis players, athletes of combat sports, models, etc. Participate in one course with the WTA and you’ll forever be hooked!!
Luca Greca - 40 years old / Functional Trainer & Combat Sports Coach - Torino (Italy)
I’m a graduate in Sports Science and a Personal Trainer. Since I started in this profession, I've always had a lot of women clients, so I've always looked for specific training courses, both in Italy and abroad. I can’t deny that I was very sceptical about buying an Online Course from a school that I haven’t attended personally, but having a lot of work in the week and a little girl I must dedicate at least the weekend to, I decided to try. Initially it was a little strange because I had never attended a practical Course Online before, but thanks to the organisational clarity of the course and with me being in the sector for many years, I could immediately appreciate the quality of the information provided and apply it to my clients to verify the validity of the Method. An excellent Course!
Kate Wellman - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Chicago (USA)
I have trained with the WTA Method for 4 years now, and yesterday completed the course of Functional Training in Rome that I had been attending. It was my first course, and the coaches and Senior Coach Gianluca Gugliotti, whom I had the pleasure of meeting, are all very competent, professional and determined! What I would say about the WTA method is that I recommend it for everyone!
Emidia Manzella - 30 years old / Functional Training Athlete - Aprilia (Italy)
In the last 12 years, I have attended several national schools of training, but there has never been one like the WTA that has totally revolutionised my way of working with incredible results for clients, both in individual and in group sessions. For me it has become a real philosophy of life. Professional, patient, and extremely prepared teachers, exhaustive and practical programming of the courses. You enter a fantastic group of colleagues and friends with whom you can continue to grow. The only downside: only having discovered them 2 years ago!!!
Tiziano Possega - 38 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Chiavari (Genova/Italy)
I found out about the WTA method two years ago and since then I have realised that it is not only a training method, but a real instrument to rediscover the motor patterns that we lose over time, but which are always with us from birth. Today I finished the course of Kettlebell Training run by Senior Coach Giacomo Longo and I must admit that, even though it is my fourth course with the WTA, there is always, always, something to learn and the teacher was impeccable with his desire to transmit and his exceptional physical and theoretical preparation. I would highly recommend WTA, for this and many other reasons!
Giuseppe L’Abbate - 28 years old / Functional Training Instructor - Fasano (Italy)
Never has training been married with the science and the study of biomechanics of the human body as it has been with the WTA. A level of attention is placed on the correct execution of every single movement to make it perfect that I would define as maniacal. Those who care about their own wellness and that of their students cannot but undertake a training course with this academy! Remember, for true 360° Functional Training there is only the WTA!!
Renzo Renna - 36 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Bologna (Italy)
These have been three very intense days, and full of information, but more than anything, for me personally this has opened a new world!!! My compliments to the coaches, Costantino Marzari and Enrico Guarato, who both had a unique precision and professionalism!!! Well done!!!
Marcela Lucia Giovannini - 33 years old / Personal Trainer - Padova (Italy)
I have been following the Master Trainer Emilio Troiano and the WTA Academy on YouTube for years, and have always been fascinated by the Method, but not being able to go to Italy to attend the courses, I was eagerly waiting for the Online Courses to start. Now that I have attended it, I can say that it was worth the wait, because I have learned a lot from this course and, above all, I can apply many things not only for myself but also for my clients in the gym. WTA Over the Top!
Julio Cesar Perez - Combat Sports Instructor - Montevideo (Uruguay)
There is very little to say… after years of study (including university) I have finally found THE TRAINING par excellence, with all the letters capitalised because capitalising the “F” alone would not suffice. The WTA Method is the top: scientific, detailed, innovative and unchallengeable... try it to believe it!
Sergio Scordino - 34 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Agrigento (Italy)
Something that upsets the usual patterns and the usual conceptions. An innovative Method that finally manages to establish a practical connection with the science of movement in 360 degrees in an intuitive and detailed way.
Maurizio Spagnolo - 32 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Aprilia (Italy)
Because of work commitments that I have almost every weekend it is difficult to attend training courses that interest me, and so Online Courses are very useful for me. I have bought Online Training Courses with other schools in the past, but I have to say that these ones from WTA are on another level, dealing with the minutest detail also in the videos of explanation for the exercises and in the training cards that follow a logical thread from the theoretical part of the book. Truly an outstanding job. I believe I will continue with the Online Training from WTA.
Robert Kugler - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Frankfurt (Germany)
Two words: effective and versatile, this Method can be inserted into any sport. I have practiced martial arts since I was a kid, and I have noticed improvements in my athletic gestures. With the Primitive, Clubs, and Kettlebell you go fast!
Andrea Cosentino - 32 years old / Army Trainer & Combat Sport Athlete - Taranto (Italy)
I found out about the WTA four years ago at the Fiera del Fitness in and I was immediately struck by their energy, charisma, and their quality techniques. From there I took my first training course and remained enthusiastic about the Method, discovering a whole new way of training that has allowed me to rediscover my potential, and greatly improving at the technical and physical level thanks to the wide training path available that varies from generic Functional training all the way up to specific courses. I would not swap the WTA Method for anything in the world, not only because it is an academy of the highest level, but also because it is formed by an always growing group of people who are joined together by sound principles learned in the training programmes of the WTA Functional Training Academy.
Joana Kisieliute - 26 years old / Functional Trainer - Asti (Italy)
I have been following the WTA and Emilio Troiano for many years. I have attended many of his courses and have always been very satisfied with the great professionalism he transmitted. I say this is because every course is exhaustive from a practical point of view, but also, most importantly for me, from a theoretical point of view. In fact, in all the courses I have followed, you are always provided with detailed explanations and reasons of why to execute certain movements and not others. Everything proposed during the courses has a reason based on the foundations of biomechanics, physiology, anatomy, and nothing is left to chance. Every course, and in particular every gesture made with any tool, always has a theoretical explanation.
Stefano Cima - 48 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Viterbo (Italy)
I am a Gym Instructor and a mother. On weekends, I look after my daughter since I can’t leave her with anyone, so it's impossible for me to attend courses in the gym. That’s why I decided to attend the Course Online, which gave me more freedom to manage the times when studying at home and at the gym, in the gaps between lessons. Thank you, WTA, for giving us instructors this possibility to improve even when, like me, we have little time to do it.
Aida Kertalli - 28 years old / Fitness Trainer - Lugano (Switzerland)
I discovered the WTA Functional Training by chance, but I can say first hand that once you enter the Method you cannot do without the WTA. Everything that you need to differentiate yourself, the WTA can give you. I recommend everyone to do at least one training course with the WTA, both if you want to pursue a career, and for personal training. WTA really is for everyone.
Claudio Nasini - 26 years old / Personal Trainer & Gym Owner - Fermo (Italy)
Every time a WTA training ends, you go home with a mix of enthusiasm to the stars and a little disappointment because you would have liked it to go on forever! Whoever approaches the WTA for the first time discovers a world!!! Perfect! Complete, rich, and without gaps! The Method that Master Trainer Emilio Troiano created is THE Method, and that is that! Master Trainer Emilio did a great job not only in creating this, but also in shaping the Coaches, of whom he can be really proud, for the extreme preparation, dedication, care, and clarity which they themselves use to train us Trainers! What should I say? WTA for life! See you at the next training!
Elisa Penzo - 36 years old / Personal Trainer - Venezia (Italy)

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